Form Settings

Setting the location of forms, deleting forms, restoring versions of forms, managing compliance of forms, PDF settings, and form options.

Carrina Jaime avatar
Written by Carrina Jaime
Updated over a week ago

Dashboard > Settings > Modules > Forms

In form settings, you can customize and update what details appear on the heading of your form when it is exported as a PDF. You may also add your company logo to the form.

Access Settings

In Company Settings found on the navigation bar on the left-hand side, select the Modules tab and click "Forms". Access each form's individual settings by clicking on the gear icon.

Setting Location of Forms

Set where a form's report will populate

Click on the three dots at the end of a form and select "Show in Site Report, Show in Safety Report, Show in Equipment Report", or "Show in Company Report".

Hiding/Unhiding Forms

Hide old or unused forms

Click on the three dots at the end of a form and select Hide. Users will no longer be able to create forms marked as Hidden.

The Hide icon will appear on the hidden forms.

To unhide a form, click on the three dots and select "Show in Site Report, Show in Safety Report, Show in Equipment Report", or "Show in Company Report".

Form Revisions

How revisions work

Each time a custom form is edited, it is saved as a Revision. All forms filled out in previous revisions maintain their data and formatting. Only new forms filled out after a revision is activated will show the new form. Creating revisions also allows the users to revert back to older versions of the form if needed.

Simply click on the three dots to access Revisions and select which version of the form you would like to revert back to by clicking the Restore this revision button.

PDF Header Settings

When exporting a form to PDFs, by default the Header will show the properties of the form.

Determine the information you would like to show on your PDF form exports, then you can hide individual fields by ticking the box next to the information you wish to hide.


Compliance can be used to ensure the form is being filled during a certain time and on a specific day if needed. By clicking on the Compliance setting for your form, you will be directed to the Compliance Scheduler.

Form Options

Form Options allow you to improve your company's workflows with automation and customization.

Learn more by reading our articles on each Form Option!

Form Visibility

Use the Form Visibility feature to Restrict visibility on completed forms for all users except those: Created By, Assigned To, or Users with Tags.

This will ensure that important form details are only made available to specified users and those it is shared with using Email Distribution.

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