Adding a Punch Item (Web)

Adding deficiency punch list items. Deficient/Punchlist items. how to add Punch Item on web

Marjorie Galit avatar
Written by Marjorie Galit
Updated over a week ago


Always remember to ensure the correct people have the appropriate permissions to access Punch Items and Lists. This can be done per individual or by applying Permission Templates.

In order to add a Punch Item, users will need Edit permissions for Punch List

Dashboard > Select a Project > Punch List

To effectively manage and track punch items on your projects, SiteMax provides a straightforward process for adding punch items. This guide will walk you through the steps to add a punch item in SiteMax.

Begin by selecting a project and clicking the "Punch List" module from the sidebar menu.

  1. Within the Punch Lists section, you will see a list of existing punch items.

  2. To add a new punch item, click on the "Add Punch Item" button

  3. Filling in Punch Item Details: A blank punch list item will have several fields that need to be filled out:

    • Status: Open, Completed, Closed.

    • Type: Deficiency, Warranty, Extra

    • Location / Sublocation: Learn more.

    • Trade: Assigned Trade/Subcontractor (vendor contact). Learn more.

    • Assigned User: They will receive an email that they have been assigned a Punch Item.

4. Once you have filled in the necessary details, click on the save or submit button to create the punch item.

5. The punch item will be added to the project's punch list, and relevant stakeholders will be notified of the assignment.

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